• EE英语课堂❤️     微博精华(十三)

    • On his journey.He will face danger.

    • 在他的旅程中,他将面对危险。

    • from:《道士下山》

    【正在发生 / 快要发生】一直很流行的口语词, "It's going down",意思: it's about to happen / it's happening. They are fighting, it's going down! 这是固定的说法可是可以加 about, it's about to go down. 除了口语的意思,当然有 下去,下降,沉:The ship / plane / elevator is going down.

    【不现实】"Unrealistic" [ˌʌnriəˈlɪstɪk],应该在美剧常听到,比 impractical 多。在日常生活里我个人也常用到,如:You're being unrealistic 你真不现实。That's unrealistic. An unrealistic dream. 同样,现实是 "Realistic". Tom is a very realistic guy. That sounds more realistic!

    【补】补票用一个英语词来翻译好像没有吧。我看网上都写 buy ticket after normal time。肯定不对。地道的翻译是 "Patch",如 补洞补墙,patch the hole。可是补票补考不可以用 patch,用 "Make up". I will make up the test I missed. I will take the make up (test). Make up for the ticket.

    【无条件】"Unconditional" [ʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl] 形容词。学过这个单词的朋友们可能听过 unconditional love 无条件的爱,可是除了形容爱还经常用到什么?投降 surrender, 平等 equality。合同里有时也会看到这个词。I love you unconditionally, happy birthday

    【美国类似土俗气的词】都是常用的!① Cheesy(口语 类似俗气:Cheesy line 俗气的台词)② Corny(口语 类似俗气:Corny show)③ Tacky(非口语 类似低质量,便宜,俗气: tacky clothes) ④ Cliche [kli:ˈʃei](非口语 类似大众化 使用过度:土豪屌丝 这种词,如:That's so cliche)。

    【购物-退换货】1. I'd like to return this phone. 我想退掉这部手机。2. I'd like to get a refund on this hat. 我想退这顶帽子。3. Can I exchange it for a new one? 我能换件新的吗?4. I'd like a refund. Here is my receipt. 我想退货,这是我的收据。

    我们还见吗?还去玩吗?还去那吗?可以用 "Are we still on?"。Hey are we still on for tonight? 等他回了可以加个 just checking。A: Are we still on? B: Yes. A: Okay, just checking 好的 只是确认下

    几百多块怎么说?"A few hundred dollars" 或 "Hundreds of dollars"。A few hundred (可以省略dollars) 金额小,大概100-500,hundreds of dollars 感觉是很多hundreds,所以金额一定大于199。An iPhone costs hundreds of dollars (650). My shoes cost a few hundred (249).

    【开始有进度 / 开始受欢迎了】"Gaining steam". 在日常生活里聊天的时候通常这样使用,随便举个例子:Arrow is gaining steam in China 绿箭侠开始在中国红起来了。也常用来形容一家公司或者产品:Toyota is gaining steam in India. KFC is "losing steam" in China(gaining 的相反)。
    【四舍五入】美国没有这种说法,可是有化为整数:"Round off" 或 "Round to the nearest whole number" 或 "Get rid of the decimal“(凑整数)。对方怎么知道是"Round up"(往上)还是 "Round down"(往下)?要注明的:150 is the total, rounded up(149.6). 65 dollars rounded down(65.9).

    【自由活动】注意!不是 free activities。这个意思是免费的活动,比如:一起玩沙滩排球啊,一大群人聚会啊等等。"Free time" 才是自由活动。就像中文的 自由活动 通常是导游或者组织活动人说的话,英文的 free time 也在那个情景下用。First the Great Wall. Lunch. Then free time for 1 hour.

    【开始落实了(实现)】It's being implemented / carried out / put into effect 都很好的翻译,可是口语怎么表达最好?我觉得是 "All coming together" 全都开始实现了。My plan is all coming together。It's all coming together。It will all be coming together soon 很快全部落实。

    【一开始】我早就很饿,很多人会写 I was hungry at the first place。错!!正确 "To start"。I was hungry to start 早就饿了(从一开始就)。"In the first place"(意思: firstly, 首先)。In the first place, I'm hungry。I'm hungry in the first place(也是一开始的意思,to begin with)。

    【我已经知道】千万不要说 I knew it / I knew it already。很多人都犯这个错误。I knew it 是 我就知道!。正确的:"I know already" 我已经知道了。"I already know" 也可以。其实就是现在/过去时态问题。所以现在你能分得出这两个句子的意思了吗: I already know he's gay. I knew he was gay!

    【你真没劲】你会怎么翻?You are boring?这样写也行 可是比较接近 你真无聊 的意思。你可以说 "You're no fun" 也可以加个 "Oh"。Oh, you're no fun 你真没劲!这个就把你真没劲的整个感觉翻过来了。You're no fun 是很地道的口语表达法。带点假生气的口气会有更好的效果。

    【随便什么都可以】口语怎么说?教你们一个通用的一句 "Whatevers good" (连读 whatever is)。或者说 whatevers fine, whatevers cool。A: Do you want to eat MCDs? B: Whatevers good。也可以直接回 whatever,可是 whatevers good 比较 friendly。有时候 whatever 很不礼貌。

    【大家都犯这个错:说出来】 中式英文: say it out。正确的是去掉 out!"Say it" 就可以表达出那个意思。如:If you have something to say, just say it 你有话说,就说出来。或可以说 "Say it out loud"(意思有两种说出口/说出声音 或 大声的说)。记得:say it 或 say it out loud!

    【你想太多了】You think too much 。可以尝试说别的,尤其你们在网上聊天的时候。“他写的一条微博是不是某某意思?” No, you're reading too much into it. "Reading too much into it" 也就是你想太多了。I think you're reading too much into it, that Weixin had no meaning.

    【电影预告片】有几种说法,你们可能都知道了,可是区别在哪里?"Trailer"[ˈtrelɚ] 这个是比较长,完整的预告片。通常 2-4分钟内。I watched the ABC trailer today. "Sneak peak" 这种预告片很短,叼你胃口的,给你 peak 一下,跟 "Preview" 经常交换着使用,That sneak peak / preview was cool!

    【晕倒】晕倒在地除了用 faint 还可以用这个俚语:"Keel over"。定义是:to fall over, faint or die。所以用的时候要注意上下文。My legs are so sore I'm about to keel over(摔倒)。It's so hot, I hope I don't keel over(晕倒)。That dog looks very ill. He's going to keel over
    【逼他】"Force someone's hand" 其实跟 force someone 意思一样:逼某人干某事。I forced Tom's hand 我逼他的 I forced Tom's hand to stay in China 我逼他留在中国。Don't force my hand 不要逼我(做你不想要的事)。I'm sorry, he forced my hand, I have to leave you.

    【高端】高端!"High-end" 大气!"Extravagant" [ɪkˈstrævəɡənt] 过度的,奢侈的,大量的。上档次!"High-class" 高质量高价格。The new iPhone has a high-end model and a low-end model (5S 和 5C). A Ferrari is very extravagant. Mr. Kevin is a very high-class brand.

    【扣薪】之前写过 dock pay,怎么说扣半天的薪水?"dock half a day's pay",going to be docked,got docked half a day's pay。You're going to be docked a "full day's pay" 扣一整天的。I got docked a full day's pay / half a day's pay。

    【胀】国庆假日吃的很胀,很 "Bloated" (形容词)。I feel bloated 我感觉很胀. I am so bloated 我很胀. KFC makes me feel so bloated 肯德基吃了会让我感觉很胀。Did you eat a lot over the holiday? How did you feel? Bloated?

    【性价比】口语可以说 "Bang for your buck"。Buck 是USD的意思,如:1 buck, 2 bucks, 10 bucks。很简单理解,用法要抓好(通常是用 got)2 for 1刀? You got a lot of bang for your buck。(或者 gives)MCDs gives you more bang for your buck than KFC。X gives you more bang for your buck。

    【食物中毒】"Food poisoning" 名词,不可缩写(千万不要说 food poison,人家会误会食物下了什么毒)。通常用 got,I got food poisoning 我食物中毒了。Did you get food poisoning? 或 gave,The curry gave me food poisoning 咖喱食物中毒。Lots of street food will give you food poisoning.

    【被感动了】除了在娱乐选秀节目上听到,我们什么时候说这句话?英语是 "Moved",被感动 was moved 或 I am moved。意思用法跟中文一样:I was moved. I was moved by your voice. I am moved by your song. She was moved by the flowers. He was moved by her cooking. 等等。

    【我1点有预约/有事】除了说 I have an appointment / reservation at 1,还可以说 "I have a X o'clock",如:I have a 1 o'clock with my dentist (省略掉 appointment)我1点跟我牙医有预约。也可以简单的说 I have a thing at 1 o'clock 我1点有事情。She has a 3 o'clock with / at ....

    【3大卸】① 卸妆:"Remove make up", I am going to remove my make up. Remove your make up before you sleep ② 卸载:"Uninstall 或 Remove", Uninstall QQ. Please remove LoL! ③ 卸货:"Unload", My father wants me to help unload his truck 我爸要我帮他从卡车上卸货。Unload in Shanghai。

    【限量版】限量版:Limited edition。用法有许多。可以说 This bag is a limited edition 这个包(款式)是限量版。也可以说:This is a limited edition Coach bag。也可以简单说:This bag is limited edition 是限量版(省略掉 a)。正式的写法:Coach 5 Limited Edition(5是瞎取的款式)。

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